Evaporative Cooler Installs, Maintenance,
and Service Calls
Evaporative coolers, also known as swamp coolers, work by pulling in the exterior air over moist filter pads and circulating it into the home. The coolers perform best during hot dry times. While simple in design, they must be properly maintained and correctly operated to prevent excessive water usage and overflow causing potential damage to your home. Coolers should be inspected at least twice annually to ensure they are in proper working order.
Tune-Up Service
For a Pre-season tune-up, it’s usually performed before summer starts to get you ready for those hot summer days.
Here’s our Maintenance Check List for the SPRING
Inspect the water supply line and connections for leaks. Also inspect the control valve at the water source to be operable without leaks.
Inspect the water distribution system, including the pump screen, pump impeller and water distribution tubes.
Inspect electrical wiring and switches for poor connections or worn insulation. Inspect the V-belt for cracks and wear. You may need to replace, or repair worn out parts.
Adjust motor bolts for proper belt tension. Set the belt tension so that moderate hand pressure will depress the belt.
Install new cooler pads if needed.
Reconnect the water line and turn on the water supply. Check the float valve and make sure it is operating properly. If necessary, adjust the float arm.
Switch on the cooler motor and recirculating pump, making sure the cooler pads are being evenly saturated with water. Too little water will cause dry spots and reduce the cooler’s efficiency.
And last, but not least, look for split seams in the casement, or rusted areas in the tray, which could cause a leak.
Sign up for a Preventative Maintenance Agreement
You wouldn’t drive your car for years without an oil change, so why would you not maintain your cooling system regularly? Many homeowners don’t maintain their Swamp coolers units and expect EVAP Coolers to function correctly. Unfortunately, you’ll end up paying more in repair costs than what you’ll spend on a tune-up or a preventive maintenance plan.
When you sign up for our preventive maintenance plan, you're ensuring your unit will work properly all year round. You’ll keep your energy costs under control and prevent premature Swamp cooler replacements.
Winterizing Service
Our Winterizing Services keeps your Evaporative cooler stored correctly so no damage comes to it during the cold season.
Here’s our Maintenance Check List for the WINTER
Shut off the water supply and disconnect electricity to the unit.
Drain the water line to prevent possible rusting or wintertime freezing.
Remove old pads and thoroughly clean pad frames.
Drain and flush the reservoir.
To prevent freezing of the cooler’s water line, disconnect the water line from the cooler and blow out the water.
Cover your cooler to protect it and to keep cold air out of your house operating properly.
Want to make doubly sure we are the team for the job? We encourage you to get several estimates for your HVAC services and then compare them with our quote. You’ll find our prices are competitive and fair, and our services prevent future repairs and premature replacements. Contact us now to schedule dependable HVAC services from our team of experts.